
Twissija dwar pilloli tal-ectasy fl-Olanda

epa04964856 An ecstasy pill, with the logo of the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) is seen in Utrecht, The Netherland, 05 October 2015. According to the Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands Institute for Mental Health and Addiction (NIMHA), these tablets may contain excessively high doses of MDMA and are therefore dangerous. The Amsterdam Dance Event will take place from 14 till 18 October. EPA/ROBIN VAN LONKHUIJSEN

L-awtoritajiet fl-Olanda qed wissu dwar pillola tal-ecstasy li qed jiċċirkolaw fl-Olanda. Skont l-Istitut Trimbos, l-Istitut Olandiż għas-Saħħa Mentali (NIMHA), dawn il-pilloli għandhom doza aktar mis-soltu ta’MDMA u għalhekk aktar perikolużi mis-soltu. Fuq dawn il-pilloli (ritratt) hemm il-logo tal-Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) li jsir bejn l-14 u t-18 ta’ Ottubru.