Joseph Muscat admits he made wrong decisions – Mizzi & Schembri sacked

This is the news headline every morning I wake up looking for in our local newspapers or online.

However I have been waiting and waiting like many of you and this headline has never been published and nor will it ever be.

Why? Because since the Panama scandal broke the headlines are about the revelation of further facts which clearly show that this government has lost its track and has got our amazing country into unprecedented corruption.

Instead of the headline above, we have these kind of headlines – Schembri company planned $50,000 per month (Times of Malta) and – Documents suggest Electoral Commissioner knew of voting application breached before they were flagged by PN (the Malta Independent).

I strongly believe that we can have better headlines – better things to report once we make way for a the Nationalist Party to govern.

I believe that we can have headlines highlighting honest politics, good governance, reduction of traffic, innovation and growth, creation of jobs, environment protection, animal rights and much much more – the list is endless.

Let us not give up believing and let us embrace the most important fact – the decision lies in our hands.