
A Socialist Government that puts the interests of the few above that of the public

Whilst addressing a political activity in Siġġiewi themed Together, for our country, the Leader of the Opposition Adrian Delia said “the Socialist Government that puts the interests of the few above that of the public, as they did with Air Malta’s debt, like they did when they gave away three hospitals to Vitals, like when they gave away public land for the American University, for the building of the power station and also for the cleaning services at St Vincent de Paule.

Adrian Delia said that Minister Konrad Mizzi is lying about Air Malta’s finances and created a €15 million hole even though the Enemalta bill was not paid, just so that the national airline would appear to be making a profit. Il-Mument revealed that Konrad Mizzi created the €15 million hole, which had to be paid just two weeks after he announced that the airline made a profit.

Delia said that Konrad Mizzi is trying to fool the public by transferring Air Malta’s debt to another company, just like this Socialist Government tried to fool the public when last October they boasted about a surplus even without the money generated from the sale of citizenship, to now end up again €70 million in the red.

Adrian Delia said this Socialist Government ignores the law and for years issued direct orders for cleaning services at St Vincent de Paule, resulting in the supplier being given €9 million in direct orders. This even though Government has crystal clear rules on the procurement of products and services, and the rules exist precisely to ensure fair competition and a level playing field. One of these regulations specifies that any services procured by the Government with a value exceeding €144,000, must be awarded by tender. However, in the case of the cleaning services at St Vincent de Paule, this did not happen, to the detriment of other companies who could have provided these services.

The Leader of the Opposition said that this Socialist Government is not really pro-business but only big business and some business, which is stifling those who would rather compete fairly and do things right. He also said that this Socialist Government is creating disadvantages for law-abiding investors. Even though the same Socialist Government eliminated a clause that excluded companies with tax arrears from tendering for the €12 million cleaning contract at St Vincent de Paule. Ironically however, the media reported that the company that was given €9 million in direct orders for cleaning services, also has arrears with the Tax department, and so, should not have been allowed to compete for the tender.

The Leader of the Opposition Adrian Delia said that this isn’t even the first case of this Socialist Government hiding the truth, as they had done the same thing in the case of Vitals – when they gave away three public hospitals to a company that had only been formed days earlier it was awarded the contract. He said that this Socialist Government used the same tactics in the case of the American University, when they gave away public land to a company that had no experience in education. Adrian Delia said that in the case of the power station, this Socialist Government allowed a company that was technically bankrupt to participate too. Following these major deficiencies, the Auditor General also had to intervene.

Adrian Delia said that these cases only confirm what the Opposition has said over and over again, which was also confirmed by the Greco report – that the country’s institutions are held hostage by this Socialist Government. Furthermore, the Ombudsman also said that investigations carried out by his office are also being ignored. Dr Delia said that in May, the public has an opportunity to send a clear message to this Socialist Government by voting, and showing that they are fed up of corruption in our country and would rather that the country’s institutions are allowed to work independently in the best interests of the public.