
€15 MILLION DEEP HOLE – Konrad Mizzi lies about Air Malta finances

Heated argument between Minister Joe Mizzi and Minister Konrad Mizzi

In preparation to fight to become Prime Minister, Konrad Mizzi is tampering with Air Malta figures to make it appear to be a success project.

Informed sources within this Socialist Government exposed that the Minister for Tourism Konrad Mizzi had a heated argument with his colleague and Minister Joe Mizzi who is responsible for Enemalta.

It seems that the argument happened after Il-Mument and other newspapers revealed that Air Malta owes millions of Euros to Enemalta for the provision of energy.

Konrad Mizzi pressured to admit the truth

After days of waiting and being bombarded with questions, Minister Konrad mizzi gave in to pressure and admitted that Air Malta is in debt for the provision of energy. This further fuelled other questions on the amount of debt and when it will be paid.

Il-Mument can reveal that Air Malta’s debt with Enemalta amounts to millions of Euro. However whilst investigating this story we found an even more shocking reality. This is because it is clear that in order to announce that after a deficit of €31 million, Air Malta now made a profit of €1.2 million, Minister Konrad Mizzi was well aware that a €15 million bill which had to be paid by Air Malta, remained unpaid just to make make the company’s appear to be financially sound.

Joe Mizzi is not ready to inherit the debt for Konrad

It was precisely this matter why Joe Mizzi, Minister for Energy had a very heated argument with his colleague Konrad Mizzi, Minister for Tourism, who is turning to Castille for back up.

It turns out that Konrad Mizzi authorized payment of the €15 million bill two weeks after he announced that Air Malta made a profit. Consequently, the profit disappeared and Air Malta again has a €13 million deficit, just two weeks after Konrad Mizzi boasted that the company made a profit.

Konrad Mizzi is trying to show that he performs better than Zammit Lewis

Those who spoke to us said that when the €15 million bill was not paid, Konrad Mizzi tried to give the impression that the company has a good cash flow.

However that is far from the truth, precisely because just a few weeks after, the bill had to be paid because Minister Joe Mizzi was not prepared to allow Enemalta to inherit the €15 million debt just to be in Konrad Mizzi’s good books.

In the meantime, whilst Konrad Mizzi is trying to inflate Air Malta’s success since he’s been Minister for Tourism, just to show that he was more capable than his predecessor Edward Zammit Lewis, the airline is experiencing problems far bigger than its ever had in the past.

This is because Konrad Mizzi is selling the company’s assets, including airport slots that Air Malta has had since the 70s and 80s when Air Malta was managed by Albert Mizzi.

Over the years, many airlines offered millions to buy Air Malta’s slots, however no government gave in to the pressure of major players in the industry including Lufthansa, British Airways, Alitalia, KLM and AirFrance. Most recently, even Turkish Airlines and RyanAir tried to purchase the slots.

Konrad Mizzi is being pushed by Castille to become Prime Minister

In order to save his skin after finding himself knee deep in massive scandals including Panama Papers, as well as the scandalous Vitals, Jordanian university and most recently the Corinthia deal, Konrad Mizzi is now shifting his focus to Air Malta.

Konrad Mizzi is trying to suggest that he’s made a success of Air Malta in his struggle become Prime Minister… visibly against his long time rival and Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne.