Democratic parties founded the European Union and democratic parties understand the problems that European nations are facing. This is why voting for PN candidates supports and strengthens the fundamental principles on which the European Union was founded.
The was the essence of Manfred Weber’s speech at the PN General Council. Weber leads the EPP in the European Parliament and is the party’s lead candidate to be the President of the European Commission.
Weber said that during the next few weeks of campaigning, it is important to remember what we’ve achieved as Europeans. He said that the European People’s Party makes no difference between countries and in fact insists on a united Europe. He specifically referred to the work done by the PN MEPs in the European Parliament during this last legislature; the resulting in benefits for all Europeans.
During his speech, Weber referred to the several challenges Europeans are facing, including the people of Malta and insisted that these are a priority for the EPP. He highlighted that irregular immigration, human dignity, European quality of life and whilst making a specific reference to Malta, increasing costs of rent. In this regard, the EPP’s proposal to create an incentive programme to provide financial assistance to youths buying their first home.
Weber also made reference to health care, and the EPP’s commitment to fight cancer. With reference to business and industry, he said that it is necessary to ensure free and fair competition between different countries. However contrary to this, the European Socialists are skeptical on this and have no clear policy.
The hightlight of Weber’s speech was when he said that for member parties of the EPP, the European Union is not just an economic union, but a project to improve the quality of life for citizens of Europe.
Despite the many different cultures in European countries, we still have common values, including our Christian heritage, our culture of compromise, equality and freedom of expression. It is however necessary to ensure that these principles are protected, so decisions are not populist but made in the interest of everyone.
Weber concluded his speech by reminding everyone that history has always shown that the EPP prioritises the interests of citizens. This is the difference between the EPP and other parties. EPP members find solutions for the various challenges Europe is facing and this is why the party could be trusted, because it has always delivered well.
Hu irringrazzja lid-diriġenti u lill-membri kollha tal-Partit Nazzjonalista tal-fiduċja u l-appoġġ li qed juru fih u wiegħed ħidma pożittiva u deċiżjonijiet immirati biex jintlaħaq il-ġid komuni.
Manfred Weber thanked the leadership and members of the PN for their trust and support shown to him. He promised to work hard and make decisions in the interest of the common good.
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