The final amount collected on Workers’ Day was €525,078, a record amount for this time of the year. The final amount was announced by the Leader of the Opposition Adrian Delia at the end of the marathon.
The fundraising marathon, themed ‘Together, for our Country’ happened yesterday with the aim of raising funds to finance the electoral campaign for the European Parliament and Local Council elections.
Earlier in the day, during an interview on NET Television, Adrian Delia said that the Party is campaigning all over Malta and Gozo. This is why the Party needs financial support, to sustain and strengthen its work. He said that by this fundraising marathon, anyone who contributes will be helping the PN strengthen its voice.
The day was also significant because it happened to be the anniversary of when Malta joined the European Union as well as Workers’ Day, which remain important celebrations for the PN.
Huma fakkru li l-Partit għandu bżonn il-flus biex iwassal il-messaġġ tiegħu u mhux beħsiebu jonfoq aktar mill-flus li jinġabru f’din il-Maratona.
Whilst kick-starting the fundraising marathon, the PN Secretary General Clyde Puli and the Party Treasurer David Camilleri said that Malta’s Socialist Party uses state assets for its propoganda, whilst the PN depends entirely on support from the public to communicate its message.
They also explained that the Party will make sure that its electoral campaign is financially feasible.