Prime Minister and leader of the Socialist Party Leader Joseph Muscat admitted that his Government failed to overcome poverty challenges in Malta. During his speech in Isla, Muscat acknowledged that poverty was and still is a reality in our country.
Despite this admission, once again, no plan was presented on how this battle will be tackled, but then went on to boast about the supposed-surplus.
This despite the latest statistics published by the National Statistics Office showed that in 2018 there was an increase in families who cannot purchase a car, and families who cannot keep their residence warm in winter and cool in summer. The statistics showed clearly that the number of families that cannot pay for a meal of meat for more than once a week have increased, and moreover, families who cannot afford rent have also increased.
In the meantime, the Socialist Leader, who a few years ago promised pushbacks, that is when migrants arriving in Malta are sent back to their countries, is now reiterating that same promise. This even though he acknowledged that his cry for a pushback was harsh.
This only a few days after he said that he wants to keep increasing the Maltese population by getting foreigners to Malta to take up the work of the Maltese… because he said that Maltese workers who work outside, do not deserve to do this kind of work.
With regards to land reclamation, Muscat declared once again that this will have to happen, although he did not say where he is planning to build on water.
During the past few weeks, the Xgħajra and Marsascala Local Councils, unanimously and so even with the vote of the Labour Councillors, voted against land reclamation in their areas and requested a guarantee from the Labour Government that such land reclamation will not be done…a guarantee that up until now has not been given.
During the activity, both Muscat and the socialist candidate Josef Caruana said that land reclamation has to happen because the Socialist Government has no other alternative.
Josef Caruana implied that in order to be able to enjoy open spaces, you must accept the idea of land reclamation. He said that he dreams of an island with a forest through which one can walk but then also implied that to have pedestrian spaces and bicycle lanes, land reclamation is needed.
Joseph Muscat agreed with Caruana and said clearly that the rock which will be cut from between Malta and Gozo (despite the study conducted under a Nationalist government showed that this can damage the environment), will be used for land reclamation, but did not divulge in which area of Malta.
However, their declaration goes against what Environment Minister Josè Herrera said a few months ago, when he said that land reclamation will not give us more open spaces.
Muscat does not have a plan on how they plan to control the ever increasing traffic problem. The only solution he spoke of is that overnight, he will compel all the Maltese to purchase electric vehicles…irrespective of the cost.
On the contrary, earlier this week, the Leader of the Opposition Adrian Delia offered various solutions during the debate between the political leaders, including the creation of new systems of public transport and improving the service and efficiency of public transport.
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