
Iċċelebrat il-Jum Dinji tal-Oċeani

Hekk kif ilberaħ kien iċċelebrat il-Jum Dinji tal-Oċeani, Raniero Borg organizza sessjoni ta’ tindif fil-Bajja tax-Xemxija fejn inġabru diversi oġġetti ta’ plastik iebes bħal fliexken, waterpolo swimming lane floats u madwar 4 batteriji. 

Filmati li ttieħdu mill-istess Raniero Borg, juru ammont sostanzjali ta’ plastik li jinsab fil-Bajja tax-Xemxija, żona li hu flimmkien mat-tim tiegħu kontinwament inaddfu. 

Raniero rringrazzja lill-għaddasa u lill-assistenti li ngħaqdu miegħu kif ukoll lil diversi kumpaniji li għenuh.

World Oceans Day 2 Xemxija Bay

To continue celebrating World Oceans Day we organised another small clean up between us at Xemxija Bay were we collected many hard plastic items such as bottles, the waterpolo swimming lane floats and around 4 batteries. It is unbearable the amount of plastic found in Xemxija Bay, that we constantly have to hold clean-ups in the area. I would like to thank all divers and land helpers who joined yesterday as well as ATLAM subaqua Club, Żibel and No to Plastic Malta. I would also like to thank Clean Malta – Cleansing and Maintenance Division as usual for their immediate response to gather the waste items and to dispose of them properly. Make sure to check out our first clean-up of the 2020 in the events for the 27th June which will be held at Paradise Bay (weather permitting).

Gepostet von Raniero's Adventures – Live Life am Dienstag, 9. Juni 2020