
Sri Lanka: “Aħna mejtin bil-ġuħ u l-mexxejja tagħna mejtin fis-sakra”

epa10062147 (FILE) - Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa addresses the parliament during ceremonial inauguration of the first session of the 9th parliament in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 20 August 2020 (reissued 09 July 2022). Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa on 09 July 2022 has agreed to resign on 13 July, the parliament's speaker said in a statement after a party leaders' meeting. Thousands of protesters broke through police barricades and stormed the president's official residence during anti-government protest in Colombo. Violent protests have been rocking the country for months over the government's alleged failure to address the worst economic crisis in decades. EPA-EFE/CHAMILA KARUNARATHNE

Il-President ta’ Sri Lanka Gotabaya Rajapaksa iddikjara li se jirreżenja mill-kariga tiegħu bħala President, hekk kif is-Sibt id-demostranti li kienu qiegħdin jipprotestaw kontra il-kriżi ekonomika fil-pajjiż, daħlu fil-palazz preżidenzjali u ġagħluh jirriżenja.

epa10061505 Protesters inside the president’s official residence premises during the anti government protest in Colombo, Sri Lanka, 09 July 2022. Thousands of protesters broke through police barricades and stormed the president’s official residence during the anti government protest in Colombo. Protests have been rocking the country for over three months, calling for the resignation of the president and prime minister over the alleged failure to address the economic crisis. Sri Lanka faces its worst-ever economic crisis in decades due to the lack of foreign reserves, resulting in severe shortages in food, fuel, medicine, and imported goods. EPA-EFE/CHAMILA KARUNARATHNE

Din l-aħbar ħarġet il-Ħadd, hekk kif d-demostranti għadhom qiegħdin jikkontrollaw il-palazz presidenzjali ta’ Sri Lanka li jinsab fil-Belt Kaptiali Colombo.

Diversi esperti qiegħdin jgħidu li dawn l-aħħar żviluppi se jkomplu jżidu mat-toqol tal-kriżi ekonomika li l-pajjiż issa ilu fiha għal madwar 70 sena.

Dan hekk kif il-Gvern u ċ-ċittadini ta’ Sri Lanka jinsabu kontinwament b’nuqqas ta’ muniti barranin li qed jikkawża staġnar fl-importazzjoni ta’ prodotti neċessarji bħaż-żejt, l-ikel u l-mediċina.