As the needle in the thermometer increases one tends to automatically deviate his attention away from local politics and focus more on enjoying summer together...
Awtur - Amy Borg
Earlier today I had a meeting in Qormi afterwhich I decided to stop by a random hanut tat-te for a good old Maltese ftira and a glass of coffee (yes glass...
The world got to know about the damning Panama Papers last Sunday and in less than 48 hours the Icelandic Prime Minister has resigned. Throughout the world...
Għaddiet ġimgħa oħra u sissa għadna ma rajniex ir-riżenja u l-apoloġija pubblika ta’ Konrad Mizzi. Gimgħa oħra, u l-istess Keith Schembri għadu jgawdi...
Snin ilu, meta kelli xi 12-il sena u kont għadni Abbati fil-parroċċa ta San Ġużepp ġewwa l-Msida, nhar ta Sibt filgħodu kont dejjem inqattgħu man Nannu Pawlu...
As the days, weeks start rolling by I’m starting to spend more and more hours on the campaign trail, going from one family to another, from one meeting...
Bħala kandidat tal-Elezzjoni Ġenerali li jmiss jiena jkolli l-opportunita li nitlaqa ma ħafna familji. Familji li jinsabu f’livelli differenti fis-soċjeta...
It was the 19th of November 2014, a day that we will go down in Malta’s political history as the day where Muscat’s image suffered its first major...
1 year, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8760 hours; out of which, how many did you actually live? I have a habit of quoting different books or articles however today I...
Last Sunday I had the privilege to be present at the Dar Centrali while Simon Busuttil outlined his view of how he wants to achieve good governance in this...