“People must be at the centre of our politics. My ten priorities will make a difference in the lives of every European, including the people of Malta.” Manfred...
Awtur - Janet Barthet
Democratic parties founded the European Union and democratic parties understand the problems that European nations are facing. This is why voting for PN...
Joseph Muscat joined members of his cabinet who have let Alfred Sant’s hate speech slide. Almost excusing him, the Prime Minister suggested that Alfred Sant’s...
The spot encourages Maltese and Gozitans to vote for PN candidates because we’ll succeed together when we work together. The spot also reminds us of the PN’s...
In a loud and violent message, now the expected rhetoric of the Socialist Party’s Annual General Conference, Minister Konrad Mizzi said that the Leader of the...
If just in case anyone needed a confirmation, the NSO figures published today clearly show that the Socialist Government has a financial deficit, which shot up...
In light of the six appointments made within the judiciary on Thursday, President George Vella appealed to the Socialist Government to implement the...
Muscat said this whilst addressing the third day of the Socialist Party’s Annual General Conference, which has no particular agenda or theme. We are just a...
The Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne, like his colleagues Edward Zammit Lewis and Alex Muscat, chose not to condemn the violent and savage mantra of the...
Sant repeats this violent and savage mantra