Fid-dawl tat-traġedja umana li qed isseħħ quddiem għajnejna fil-Mediterran, nibda nifhem kemm fil-ħajja kważi kollox jitlef ir-relevanza tiegħu. L-inġustizzji umanitarji...
Ġabra ta' Aħbarijiet - BLOGS
“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in...
Ma hix l-intenzjoni tiegħi li nidħol direttament fil-każ tad-Direttur Eżekuttiv tal-Istitut għall-Istudji Turistiċi (l-ITS) għal diversi raġunijiet. L-ewwel nett...
Il-passività politika kkaratterizzata minn nuqqas serju ta’ interess minn diversi żgħażagħ donnha qiegħda ssir aktar allarmanti, sinjal ta’ political fatigue...
Perception! If we have learned one thing from this government is that Joseph Muscat and his henchmen are truly masters of the art of perception. All of a sudden...
During the last few days I’m sure that you would have heard more about bdsm, red room of pain, lingerie and an over rated movie than you would have normally heard...
Some might argue that they don’t like Renzo Piano’s masterpiece, some others might argue that it’s too much for our beautiful city. Some might argue...
On the 11th of April 2015 we are all called in to cast our opinion whether Spring Hunting should be kept or abolished. At this current point in time we have heard many...